This DRONEII report provides the most comprehensive breakdown, analysis and forecast of the drone delivery industry. The Drone Delivery Report is based on months of research and analysis by our team, including both secondary data analysis and primary research such as interviews and surveys.
The report is greatly aided by our DRONEII market model which has helped us generate drone delivery market figures.
The DRONEII Market Model is a unique bottom-up approach to measuring the commercial drone market using actual data and primary sources. As a result of this complex model, the figures and topics covered in this report are both comprehensive and reliable.
They are a product of both qualitative and quantitative research and analysis, and a look beyond the hype that drones have experienced in the past few years.
The 83-page Drone Delivery Report contains the most thorough analysis of the drone delivery industry, including market figures for 2018-2024, a technological breakdown, use case analysis, business model analysis, partnerships and investments data, regulatory advice, and future trends and outlook commentary.
It begins with an introduction into the drone delivery industry, followed by look into the technology behind drone deliveries in Chapter 2, including ground infrastructure, software and hardware behind drone deliveries.
After that Chapter 3 delves into drone delivery use cases, explaining how they can vary and be understood.
Chapter 4, meanwhile, delves into business cases within drone deliveries outlining the key factors for consideration in setting up a business within the drone delivery market.
In Chapter 5 both the total commercial drone market size, shares and growth have been produced and the drone delivery market size and growth for 2018-2024. Chapter 5 also looks at strategic partnerships on the drone delivery market, including both commercial and public/private partnerships, and key market developments including global drone delivery activity by country.
The chapter concludes with a competitive Drone Delivery Company Ranking, calculated using data on company activity on the drone delivery market. Meanwhile, in Chapter 6 global drone regulations are dissected and compared in order to provide a comparative regulatory study of drone deliveries.
Finally, Chapter 7 provides an outlook and future trends perspective on drone delivery industry developments – utilizing primary data and secondary analysis to provide reasoned advice and a forecast. In order to deliver an understanding of the key players in the drone delivery industry, Chapter 8 catalogues market players and provides key company profile information on them.