The Drone Industry Barometer is Droneii‘s annual free white paper measuring the state of the global industry. This white paper provides insights into the opinions and perspectives of the drone industry coming directly from drone companies themselves. It is based on a survey that was conducted in May-June 2023 and which received over 1,100 responses from 85 countries.
We gathered responses from industry stakeholders from across all three segments (hardware, software, services) and covering dozens of sug-segments including UTM, counter-drone, passenger drones (“air taxis”), drone training and more. The survey covered a wide range of topics including company size, top application methods, best reasons to adopt drones, company priorities for the coming year, and perspectives on the top market-driving factors. Another key topic addressed in the Drone Industry Barometer is the way expectations by drone companies match with their experienced reality. Since the barometer is a yearly survey, it allows us to progressively assess how expectations and reality evolve from year to year.
Now that the direct effects of the global pandemic have subsided, the barometer presented an opportunity to ask drone industry professionals what they consider to be the biggest challenges facing the industry today. By and large, regulatory obstacles were seen as the main challenge for drone experts worldwide. This was followed by other topics such as global inflation as well as domestic politics.
In terms of expectations for the coming year, drone companies are once again optimistic. But it is worth noting that this optimism is much more level and not as extreme as it was in 2021, which then led to disappointment for 2022. Until that point expectations and experienced reality had been converging, and it will be interesting to see if this pattern returns for 2023 after the deviation in 2022.
In conclusion, the Drone Industry Barometer provides a yearly review of what drone experts across the world have experienced and how they foresee that the industry will develop. It touches on the latest topics while providing continuity with previous editions in order to deliver the most comprehensive understanding of the state of the drone industry. This unique white paper is available as a free download in order to help bring the entire drone community together in order to achieve more transparency and better data to understand the drone industry as a whole.