Our International Drone Laws Infographic shows some of the key regulations regarding advanced operations in some of the top global markets. These countries include Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, the UK and the US. Moreover the table looks at Operational Limitations (regarding BVLOS exemptions, standard scenarios and rules) as well as administration and airspace in regard to the integration of UTM services.
Many of the countries featured include members of the European Union or follow similar rules thanks to EASA, which is reflected in our International Drone Laws Infographic. However it is wort noting that for example France does have UTM system trial ongoing, which goes beyond what other EASA members are currently doing. Other countries such as Switzerland and the UK, who are not members of the European Union, nevertheless tend to follow EASA guidelines (especially to facilitate trade and business activities in EU countries). Additionally, there are other top countries making steady progress in regard to BVLOS and UTM, which include Australia, Canada, and China among others.
If you’re looking for more information on the latest drone regulation, read our blog post. Here is an excerpt from the blog:
“Drone rules and standards still pose some challenges on different drone industry segments and these challenges face different timelines before they can be resolved. Some of these challenges will be addressed in the short term (e.g. SORA standards and the introduction of remote ID services). Other challenges like standardizing BVLOS flights or advanced UTM services are more medium-term and might influence all segments only in 3 to 5 years.”