Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? Take a look through the FAQs below and if you still need answers, contact us directly

Here are some of the top drone-related questions that we are often asked. If you have other questions, connect with us on Linkedin and send us an email at:

Here are some FAQs about Drone Industry Insights, our products/services and about the drone market

What is Drone Industry Insights?

Drone Industry Insights (Droneii) is the leading market research and consulting firm focused on commercial drones. The company is based in Hamburg, Germany, but Droneii's research scope and client base is global. Thanks to being located in the Central European Time Zone (CET), our daily work includes clients from Tokyo, Japan to Seattle, USA and everywhere in between.

What does Drone Industry Insights do?

We research, write and advise on the commercial drone industry. This includes free publications, reports as well as bespoke and country-specific or customer-specific market studies. We cover all upstream processes in the business and product development. Starting with an initial market screening, via hard facts and figures to build business plans, all the way to go-to-market strategies.

Can I hire Drone Industry Insights for projects and topics that are not in the reports?

Absolutely! Droneii often takes on projects focused on very unique and niche topics that our clients are interested in, so get in touch and find out what we can do for you!

Drone Industry Insight Reviews: What is Drone Industry Insights reputation? Is Drone Industry Insights legit? How is Drone Industry Insights different?

Drone Industry Insights has been cited by top global publications such as the New York Times, the Harvard Business Review, Bloomberg, the Economist, the BBC, and more. Our satisfied customers include drone giants such as DJI, aviation experts like Airbus and Thales, multinational corporations like Sony and Shell, and drone associations as well as ministries from government across the world. Droneii's USP lies in its niche: we are experts in the field and unite over 40 years of experience in manned and unmanned aviation. Our understanding of the market, extensive network contacts, and unique market model and data are unparalleled and unrivalled in the industry.

Does Drone Industry Insights hire or work with independent consultants like other large consulting firms?

No. We never hire people at random to do our work for us and all research is carried out and collected by our company analysts in coordination with the Founders. To support and review this research, we leverage our large network of experts to arrive at the most precise answers to your questions. However, the expert insights are still subject to internal analysis and data-corroboration to ensure you get independent and objective insights.

Does Droneii sign NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements)?

Yes. If you so require, we are happy to sign an NDA to protect your identity as well as your intellectual property.

Who are Drone Industry Insights investors? How is the company financed?

Droneii is 100% independent. It does not work based on the opinion of investors, advertising, or endorsement for particular companies or persons that pay to improve their reputation. Objectivity, independence and accuracy in everything we do are our core values and the guarantee to our customers.

Does Droneii build, produce or manufacture drones?

No, our business is drone market business intelligence, We do not build our own drones and do not have a stake on the sale of drones, but rather we monitor and forecast the activity and future of this multibillion dollar industry that continues to grow.

What is the price of a market study?

We price our services according to the time and manpower it would take to conduct the necessary research and analysis to provide them. To be as fair as possible we always offer our clients two options: A) a less expensive standard service and B) a more sophisticated more expensive option. If the start-up costs of both options are too expensive for you right now, we recommend looking into our research subscription services.

Droneii Pricing: Does Drone Industry Insights provide discounts or coupons?

Depending on the size and age of the company, we are sometimes able to offer discounts for startups. Additionally, we can provide discount coupons for bulk products or services (i.e. purchasing multiple products or carrying out an additional consulting project to complement a report purchase). For the best pricing, we recommend looking into our Drone Research Subscription. Please contact us at for any further questions on pricing.

Does Drone Industry Insights only sell drone market reports?

No, Droneii has achieved its success through three primary services: 1) carrying out consulting and bespoke market studies on the drone market, 2) selling reports and research subscriptions, 3) offering free blog post and infographics to demonstrate thought-leadership. In short: the drone markets reports are the perfect product for those seeking to understand key topics of the drone industry, while consulting projects are the ideal service for those who know exactly what they are looking for but are not sure where/how to find this information about the drone market.

Language: Does Droneii only have reports in English? Does Drone Industry Insights offer products and services in other languages?

To reach a global audience, Droneii's products are primarily in English. However, we are also able to discuss our services with you in German and Spanish, and we can provide translations of our reports in other languages, particularly Spanish, German, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese (for an additional fee).

Does Drone Industry Insights provide customization for its reports?

Yes, we do provide customization services for our paid reports. If you like one or more of our products but it’s not quite what you need at the time, contact us, and we’ll do our best to offer you a customised option or alternatively a research project proposal.

Where to find Drone Industry Insights Report Samples?

All individual report pages include a form to download a free sample. This free sample includes the table of contents as well as basic structure of the report and some information.

Why do Droneii report samples not include any data or specific numbers and charts?

As with any consulting work, the key product in these reports include and that our clients pay for is the data itself. There is A LOT of work that goes into researching, finding, collecting, organizing and presenting drone market data in the best way possible. Droneii already provides a lot of free information in the shape of blog posts and infographics, therefore the main function of the samples is to display the structure and type of content that can be found in the full report (rather than providing more samples of information that is already available in blog posts and infographics).

Where does Drone Industry Insights get its data?

From decades of staying on the top of the industry. Both founders have a background in aviation and tracked the development of drones from the very early days. Once the company was founded, the senior data analyst also had a background in researching drones, so the databases and market models were all built from proprietary research and experience. Ever since our founding, we keep our eyes and ears on every piece of public information that becomes available through drone publications, aviation authorities, and drone companies and experts (referred to as "primary" and "secondary sources/data" in our reports). Most importantly, by attending yearly drone events and deeply connecting ourselves with industry leaders and other founders/CEOs, we are able to engage in discussions and revise all our data and forecasts.

What is the global drone market worth in 2022?

The global drone market is worth US$30.4 Billion. This calculation is based on Droneii's proprietary data collected for over half a decade as well as our custom-made market model and methodology that includes other primary and secondary sources.

How much is the drone market expected to grow?

The global drone market is expected to grow to US$41.3 Billion at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.4%. You can a find more detailed breakdown by segment, industry vertical, application method, region, and country in our reports.

What are drone applications? What does drone application mean?

Drone applications are innovative ways in which drones are used to make business processes safer, more efficient and/or more profitable. By applying a drone in a unique way to solve a problem, the drone industry has grown exponentially and continues to expand into new industries.

What is the difference between a drone application and a case study?

Application examples are generic combinations of a method (e.g. spraying or mapping) along with an industry (e.g. agriculture). Case studies are concrete examples of how a specific company used a drone for a particular task.

Drone Business FAQs: How much money do drone companies make? Is a drone business profitable? How do I start a drone business?

Much like in any other industry, starting a drone business is a very individual decision. The profitability depends on the type of product or service being offered as well as the costs and prices that can be charged. Some drone companies make millions of dollars while also having millions in costs, while others might only make thousands in revenue but don't have many costs after starting out. Drone Industry Insights can help entrepreneurs and investors understand the market, what products and services are currently out there, where the industry is heading, and which technologies and trends are likely to affect various aspects of the industry.

This is only a brief sampling of the most frequently asked questions that we encounter about Drone Industry Insights, our products and services, and about the drone market itself. However, there are hundreds of other questions that we often see within the industry. and each conversation with every client has a uniquely different background, focus, or goal. Therefore we invite you to contact us directly to answer all of your questions at: or +49 40 6483 0858.

Note: due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the flexibility of our work and colleagues, there are days when all or most colleagues are in home office while the rest are in their own meetings or projects. Therefore we may not always be available by phone and it is always best to reach us by email (response time is usually only a couple hours, depending on type of request and details provided)