Global Drone Market Report 2023-2030

commercial drone market report 2023 cover book

New insights on the commercial drone market and an updated model for the drone market report

  • Global drone market size is forecast to reach US$54.6 billion by 2030, with the commercial market growing at a 7.7% CAGR.
  • By segment: Drone services will remain the biggest segment but Hardware will grow the fastest.
  • By industry vertical: Top industry for applications is Energy; Meanwhile Cargo, Courier Services, Intralogistics and Warehousing holds the highest CAGR.
  • By application method: Mapping & Surveying is and will remain the top drone application, followed by Inspection as well as Photography & Filming.
  • By region and country: The commercial drone market is led by Asia thanks to China and Japan; Middle East & Africa (MEA) will grow fastest.

Buy the full commercial drone market report for in-depth analysis

  • Extensive 227-page drone market report with in-depth analysis, industry definitions, & extended 7-year forecast.
  • Encompassing everything from recreational and commercial drones to regulation and emerging technologies (5G, blockchain, fog computing, etc).
    Note: this report intentionally excludes passenger drones and counter-drone technology.
  • Comprehensive analysis of the commercial market by segment, industry, method, region, and country. Also including UNIT SALES!
  • Exclusive deep-dive into top recreational and commercial drone markets: Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, UK, and USA.

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About Global Drone Market Report 2023-2030


DRONEII‘s annual Drone Market Report provides the most comprehensive analysis and forecast of the commercial drone market.

The flagship Drone Market Report is based on months of research and analysis by our team using the DRONEII Market Model. This model is a unique bottom-up approach to measure the commercial drone market using actual data and primary sources. It was built on years of experience in the commercial drone industry and an intimate understanding of the global drone market.

As a result of this complex model, the figures and topics covered in the Drone Market Report are both comprehensive and reliable. They are a product of both qualitative and quantitative research and analysis, and a look beyond the hype that drones have experienced in the past few years.

This 227-page Drone Market Report contains a seven-year forecast of global drone market figures for 2023-2030, broken down by segment, industry, application method, region, and country, as well as drone market unit sales. DRONEII’s Drone Market Report also contains an outline and analysis of current commercial drone regulations frameworks and challenges facing the industry.

Finally, our commercial Drone Market Report also outlines the future trends and opportunities to look out for on the drone market, namely the mega, macro and micro-trends that will most affect the commercial drone industry in the coming years.





2.1 Research Methodology
2.2 Scope Definition & Research Design
2.3 Data Collection
2.4 Data Analysis
2.5 Market Model
2.6 Data Validation
2.7 Report Creation


3.1 Drones: Where Did They Come From?
3.2 Drone Configurations
3.3 Major Segments of the Drone Ecosystem
3.4 Drone Application Categories and Methods
3.5 Drone Market Industries and Use Cases
3.6 Drone Market Observations


4.1 Total Drone Market
4.1.1 Drone Market Size 2023-2030
4.1.2 Drone Market Size 2023-2030: Commercial vs. Recreational

4.2 Commercial Drone Market by Segment
4.2.1 Commercial Drone Market Size 2023-2030 by Segment
4.2.2 Commercial Drone Market Size 2023-2030 by Region
4.2.3 Commercial Drone Market Size 2023-2030 by Country

4.3 Commercial Drone Market by Industry
4.3.1 Commercial Drone Market Size 2023-2030 by Industry
4.3.2 Commercial Drone Market Size 2023-2030 by Industry & Region
4.3.3 Commercial Drone Market Size 2023-2030 by Industry & Country

4.4 Commercial Drone Market by Method
4.4.1 Commercial Drone Market Size 2023-2030 by Method
4.4.2 Commercial Drone Market Size 2023-2030 by Region
4.4.3 Commercial Drone Market Size 2023-2030 by Country

4.5 Commercial Drone Market by Unit Sales
4.5.1 Commercial Drone Unit Sales 2023-2030
4.5.2 Commercial Drone Unit Sales 2023-2030 by Region
4.5.3 Commercial Drone Unit Sales 2023-2030 by Country

4.6 Recreational Drone Market by Segment
4.6.1 Recreational Drone Market Size 2023-2030 by Segment
4.6.2 Recreational Drone Market Size 2023-2030 by Region
4.6.3 Recreational Drone Market Size 2023-2030 by Country

4.7 Recreational Drone Market by Unit Sales
4.7.1 Recreational Drone Unit Sales 2023-2030
4.7.2 Recreational Drone Unit Sales 2023-2030 by Region
4.7.3 Recreational Drone Unit Sales 2023-2030 by Country

4.8 Total Drone Market by Region & Country
4.8.1 Regional & National Drone Market Market Size 2023-2030 by Region Market Size 2023-2030 by Country

4.8.2 North American Drone Market Market Size 2023-2030 by Country Drone Market USA Drone Market Canada

4.8.3 South American Drone Market Market Size 2023-2023 by Country Drone Market Brazil

4.8.4 European Drone Market Market Size 2023-2030 by Country Drone Market Germany Drone Market United Kingdom Drone Market France

4.8.5 Middle East & African Drone Market Market Size 2023-2030 by Country

4.8.6 Asian Drone Market Market Size 2023-2030 by Country Drone Market China Drone Market Japan Drone Market South Korea

4.8.7 Oceanian Drone Market Market Size 2023-2030 by Country Drone Market Australia


5.1 Drone Regulation Basics
5.2 Drone Rulemaking – Stakeholders
5.3 Regulatory Timeline
5.4 Country-Specific Developments
5.5 Regulatory Challenges


6.1 Definition
6.2 Drone Industry Trends




Chart 1: Drone technology stack
Chart 2: Drone configurations
Chart 3: Drone hardware
Chart 4: Drone software
Chart 5: Drone service
Chart 6: Commercial drone market segmentation
Chart 7: Drone application methods
Chart 8: Commercial & recreational market definitions
Chart 9: Drone application categories and methods
Chart 10: Countries covered in the drone market report
Chart 11: The 3 levels of drone regulations
Chart 12: Drone regulation stakeholder overview
Chart 13: Regulatory Timeline


Table 1: Commercial drone use cases across industries
Table 2: Overview industry verticals
Table 3: Commercial drone market size 2023-2030 by industry
Table 4: US commercial drone market size 2023-2030 by industry
Table 5: Canadian commercial drone market size 2023-2030 by industry
Table 6: Brazilian commercial drone market size 2023-2030 by industry
Table 7: German commercial drone market size 2023-2030 by industry
Table 8: UK commercial drone market size 2023-2030 by industry
Table 9: French commercial drone market size 2023-2030 by industry
Table 10: Chinese commercial drone market size 2023-2030 by industry
Table 11: Japanese commercial drone market size 2023-2030 by industry
Table 12: South Korean commercial drone market size 2023-2030 by industry
Table 13: Australian commercial drone market size 2023-2030 by industry
Table 14: National drone regulations across the globe
Table 15: Near-/mid-/long-term drone regulation challenges


Graph 1: Global drone market size 2023-2030
Graph 2: Commercial & Recreational drone market size 2023-2030
Graph 3: Commercial drone market size 2023-2030 by segment
Graph 4: Commercial drone hardware market size 2023-2030 by region
Graph 5: Commercial drone software market size 2023-2030 by region
Graph 6: Commercial drone service market size 2023-2030 by region
Graph 7: Commercial drone hardware market size 2023-2030 by country
Graph 8: Commercial drone software market size 2023-2030 by country
Graph 9: Commercial drone service market size 2023-2030 by country

Graph 10: Commercial drone market size in Agriculture 2023-2030 by region
Graph 11: Commercial drone market size in Arts & Entertainment 2023-2030 by region
Graph 12: Commercial drone market size in Cargo, Courier Services & Warehousing 2023-2030 by region
Graph 13: Commercial drone market size in Construction 2023-2030 by region
Graph 14: Commercial drone market size in Energy 2023-2030 by region
Graph 15: Commercial drone market size in Educational, Scientific & Technical Services 2023-2030 by region
Graph 16: Commercial drone market size in Health Care & Disaster Relief 2023-2030 by region
Graph 17: Commercial drone market size in Information & Motion Pictures 2023-2030 by region
Graph 18: Commercial drone market size in Insurance 2023-2030 by region
Graph 19: Commercial drone market size in Mining & Quarrying 2023-2030 by region

Graph 20: Commercial drone market size in Public Emergency Services 2023-2030 by region
Graph 21: Commercial drone market size in Public Administration 2023-2030 by region
Graph 22: Commercial drone market size in Real Estate & Industrial Plants 2023-2030 by region
Graph 23: Commercial drone market size in Safety & Security 2023-2030 by region
Graph 24: Commercial drone market size in Telecommunications 2023-2030 by region
Graph 25: Commercial drone market size in Transport Infrastructure 2023-2030 by region
Graph 26: Commercial drone market size in Waste Management & Remediation Services 2023-2030 by region
Graph 27: Commercial drone market size in Agriculture 2023-2030 by country
Graph 28: Commercial drone market size in Arts & Entertainment 2023-2030 by country
Graph 29: Commercial drone market size in Cargo, Courier Services & Warehousing 2023-2030 by country

Graph 30: Commercial drone market size in Construction 2023-2030 by country
Graph 31: Commercial drone market size in Energy 2023-2030 by country
Graph 32: Commercial drone market size in Educational, Scientific & Technical Services 2023-2030 by country
Graph 33: Commercial drone market size in Health Care & Disaster Relief 2023-2030 by country
Graph 34: Commercial drone market size in Information & Motion Pictures 2023-2030 by country
Graph 35: Commercial drone market size in Insurance 2023-2030 by country
Graph 36: Commercial drone market size in Mining & Quarrying 2023-2030 by country
Graph 37: Commercial drone market size in Public Emergency Services 2023-2030 by country
Graph 38: Commercial drone market size in Public Administration 2023-2030 by country
Graph 39: Commercial drone market size in Real Estate & Industrial Plants 2023-2030 by country

Graph 40: Commercial drone market size in Safety & Security 2023-2030 by country
Graph 41: Commercial drone market size in Telecommunications 2023-2030 by country
Graph 42: Commercial drone market size in Transport Infrastructure 2023-2030 by country
Graph 43: Commercial drone market size in Waste Management & Remediation Services 2023-2030 by country
Graph 44: Commercial drone market size by Method 2023-2030
Graph 45: Commercial drone market size in Delivery 2023-2030 by region
Graph 46: Commercial drone market size in Inspection 2023-2030 by region
Graph 47: Commercial drone market size in Localization & Tracking 2023-2030 by region
Graph 48: Commercial drone market size in Mapping & Surveying 2023-2030 by region
Graph 49: Commercial drone market size in Photography & Filming 2023-2030 by region

Graph 50: Commercial drone market size in Spraying & Seeding 2023-2030 by region
Graph 51: Commercial drone market size in Other Methods 2023-2030 by region
Graph 52: Commercial drone market size in Delivery 2023-2030 by country
Graph 53: Commercial drone market size in Inspection 2023-2030 by country
Graph 54: Commercial drone market size in Localization & Tracking 2023-2030 by country
Graph 55: Commercial drone market size in Mapping & Surveying 2023-2030 by country
Graph 56: Commercial drone market size in Photography & Filming 2023-2030 by country
Graph 57: Commercial drone market size in Spraying & Seeding 2023-2030 by country
Graph 58: Commercial drone market size in Other Methods 2023-2030 by country
Graph 59: Global commercial drone sales 2023-2030

Graph 60: Commercial drone sales 2023-2030 by region
Graph 61: Commercial drone sales 2023-2030 by country
Graph 62: Recreational drone market 2023-2030 by segment
Graph 63: Recreational drone hardware market 2023-2030 by region
Graph 64: Recreational drone software market 2023-2030 by region
Graph 65: Recreational drone service market 2023-2030 by region
Graph 66: Recreational drone hardware market 2023-2030 by country
Graph 67: Recreational drone software market 2023-2030 by country
Graph 68: Recreational drone service market 2023-2030 by country
Graph 69: Global recreational drone sales 2023-2030

Graph 70: Recreational drone sales 2023-2030 by region
Graph 71: Recreational drone sales 2023-2030 by country
Graph 72: Drone market size 2023-2030 by region
Graph 73: Drone market size 2023-2030 by country
Graph 74: North American drone market size 2023-2030 by country
Graph 75: US commercial & recreational drone market size 2023-2030
Graph 76: US drone market size 2023-2030 by segment
Graph 77: US drone market size 2023-2030 by method
Graph 78: US commercial & recreational drone sales 2023-2030
Graph 79: Canadian commercial & recreational drone market size 2023-2030

Graph 80: Canadian drone market size 2023-2030 by segment
Graph 81: Canadian drone market size 2023-2030 by method
Graph 82: Canadian commercial & recreational drone sales 2023-2030
Graph 83: South American drone market size 2023-2030 by country
Graph 84: Brazil commercial & recreational drone market size 2023-2030
Graph 85: Brazil drone market size 2023-2030 by segment
Graph 86: Brazil drone market size 2023-2030 by method
Graph 87: Brazil commercial & recreational drone sales 2023-2030
Graph 88: European drone market size 2023-2030 by country
Graph 89: German commercial & recreational drone market size 2023-2030

Graph 90: German drone market size 2023-2030 by segment
Graph 91: German drone market size 2023-2030 by method
Graph 92: German commercial & recreational drone sales 2023-2030
Graph 93: UK commercial & recreational drone market size 2023-2030
Graph 94: UK drone market size 2023-2030 by segment
Graph 95: UK drone market size 2023-2030 by method
Graph 96: UK commercial & recreational drone sales 2023-2030
Graph 97: French commercial & recreational drone market size 2023-2030
Graph 98: French drone market size 2023-2030 by segment
Graph 99: French drone market size 2023-2030 by method

Graph 100: French commercial & recreational drone sales 2023-2030
Graph 101: Middle Eastern & African drone market size 2023-2030 by country
Graph 102: Asian drone market size 2023-2030 by country
Graph 103: Chinese commercial & recreational drone market size 2023-2030
Graph 104: Chinese drone market size 2023-2030 by segment
Graph 105: Chinese drone market size 2023-2030 by method
Graph 106: Chinese commercial & recreational drone sales 2023-2030
Graph 107: Japanese commercial & recreational drone market size 2023-2030
Graph 108: Japanese drone market size 2023-2030 by segment
Graph 109: Japanese drone market size 2023-2030 by method

Graph 110: Japanese commercial & recreational drone sales 2023-2030
Graph 111: South Korean commercial & recreational drone market size 2023-2030
Graph 112: South Korean drone market size 2023-2030 by segment
Graph 113: South Korean drone market size 2023-2030 by method
Graph 114: South Korean commercial & recreational drone sales 2023-2030
Graph 115: Oceanian drone market size 2023-2030 by country
Graph 116: Australian commercial & recreational drone market size 2023-2030
Graph 117: Australian drone market size 2023-2030 by segment
Graph 118: Australian drone market size 2023-2030 by method
Graph 119: Australian commercial & recreational drone sales 2023-2030

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Global Drone Market Report 2023-2030 TESTIMONIALS

“We found the report quite useful in terms of giving us revealing and trustworthy market figures for our analysis and we liked the overview of regulatory status by country a lot.“

Alexander Schlaepfer
Alexander Schläpfer Partner, Swisscom Ventures

“With their comprehensive industry knowledge, Drone Industry Insights helped us prioritize certain aspects of our strategic decision making. Their thorough understanding of the market is unique and we are happy to have them as a research partner.”

Matt Dunlevy
Matt Dunlevy CEO & Chairman at SkySkopes

“The Drone Research Subscription allowed us to access’s comprehensive knowledge base to refine our business strategy and support us during critical decision-making. The quality of information is unique and the the analyst support helped us to connect with strategically important players in the industry.“

Christoph Schlettig CEO & Founder at UNISPHERE GmbH

“Drone Industry Insights provides the most reliable intelligence on the drone industry!”

Andrew Scott - ThinkEquity
Andrew Scott Managing Director – Investment Banking ThinkEquity

“The Drone Market Report has served us well and given a thoroughly foundation for our strategical direction with regards to drones.”

Mats Mikalsen Kristensen Vice President – Unmanned Andøya Space
See all testimonials

FAQ ABOUT Global Drone Market Report 2023-2030

What is unique about the drone market report?

The Drone Market Report is our flagship report that provides a holistic and comprehensive view on the state of the global drone market. It is based on years of collecting and updating proprietary data as well as input from primary and secondary sources (white papers, industry contacts, etc).

Why are counter-drone and passenger drones not included?

We consider that these are different technical fields within the drone industry and therefore less fitting for the overall drone market report. However, we do also offer a Counter-drone Market Report as well as an Air Mobility Report.

Why are drone services take up such a huge amount of the market?

In short: a company might produce the hardware/software for a drone, but for each one of these drones that is sold, there is a company using the drone, paying employees to use them internally, and sometimes also charging money for external services. There is a bigger market of companies using drones throughout various industries than the market of companies making them.


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Global Drone Market Report 2023-2030

commercial drone market report 2023 cover book

Global Drone Market Report 2023-2030

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