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The Japanese Drone Market Report 2019-2024


  • The global drone market will grow from $14 billion in 2018 to over $43 billion in 2024 at a CAGR of 20.5%.
  • The Japan drone market is currently one of the largest in the world, and also the second largest market in Asia. 
  • Since 2012, more than 3.0 billion USD has been invested in drone companies worldwide and 2018 was a record year with 702 million USD in disclosed global investments. This report outlines the portion of these disclosed investments which made it into Japan.
  • Japan is home to major global players on the drone market, including TerraDrone, ACSL and Prodrone.
  • Extensive examples of drone applications are included.

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This DRONEII report provides the most comprehensive outline, analysis and forecast of the Japanese drone market. It is based on months of research and analysis by our team and the DRONEII market model which was built based on years of experience in the commercial drone industry and an intimate understanding of the drone market. The DRONEII Market Model is a unique bottom-up approach to measuring the commercial drone market using actual data and primary sources. As a result of this complex model, the figures and topics covered in this report are both comprehensive and reliable. They are a product of both qualitative and quantitative research and analysis, and a look beyond the hype that drones have experienced in the past few years.

The 93-page report contains a five-year forecast of Japanese drone market figures for 2019-2024, broken down by segment, industry and application method. It contains an analysis of Japanese drone regulations, as well as a thorough outline of investment figures in the Japanese drone market in 2012-2018 and key investment dealsmergers and partnerships in Japan in 2018. Finally, this report also discusses the future trends and opportunities to look out for on the drone market.


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Table Of Contents

Executive Summary    

2.1  Drones: Where Did They Come From?
2.2  Drones: What Do They Look Like?
2.3  Drones: What Can They Be Used For?

Scope and Methodology  

3.1  Scope
3.2  Data
3.3  The DRONEII Market Model
3.4  Methodology

Industry Insights  

4.1  Industry Segmentation & Landscape
4.2  Drone Investments
4.3  Drone Partnerships
4.4  Examples of Drone Applications
4.5  Market Players
4.6  Trends and Perspectives

Commercial Drone Regulations 

5.1  Definitions
5.2  Regulation Landscape
5.3  Civil Aviation Bureau Progress and Key Developments
5.4  Airspace Integration Programs and Initiatives

Drone Market 2019-2024  

6.1  Total Drone Market

6.1.1  Market Forecast Global 2019-2024
6.1.2  Market Forecast Global (Commercial vs. Private) 2019-2024
6.1.3  Market Forecast Japan (Commercial vs. Private) 2019-2024

6.2  Commercial Drone Market by Segment

6.2.1  Market Forecast Global 2019-2024
6.2.2  Market Forecast Japan 2019-2024

6.3  Commercial Drone Market by Industry

6.3.1  Market Forecast Global 2019-2024
6.3.2  Market Forecast Japan 2019-2024

6.4  Commercial Drone Market by Method

6.4.1  Market Forecast Global 2019-2024
6.4.2  Market Forecast Japan 2019-2024

6.5  Commercial Drone Market by Unit Sales

6.5.1  Market Forecast Global 2019-2024
6.5.2  Market Forecast Japan 2019-2024

6.6  Private Drone Market by Segment

6.6.1  Market Forecast Global 2019-2024
6.6.2  Market Forecast Japan 2019-2024

6.7  Private Drone Market by Unit Sales

6.7.1  Market Forecast Global 2019-2024
6.7.2  Market Forecast Japan 2019-2024

Appendix: Industry Definitions

Table Of Figures


Table 1: Commercial Drone Use Cases Across Industries
Table 2: Drone Regulations in Japan
Table 3: The Commercial Drone Market 2018-2024 by Industry
Table 4: The Japanese Commercial Drone Market 2018-2024 by Industry


Chart 1: Drone Industry Segments: Hardware, Software and Services
Chart 2: Drone Application Methods
Chart 3: The DRONEII Drone Market Model
Chart 4: The DRONEII Market Environment Map
Chart 5: Drone Industry Segmentation: Hardware
Chart 6: Drone Industry Segmentation: Software
Chart 7: Drone Industry Segmentation: Services
Chart 8: Deals by Country (2016-2018) in %
Chart 9: Top 15 Global Venture Capital Investments
Chart 10: Drone Partnerships by Region
Chart 11: Top Japanese Drone Partnerships I
Chart 12: Top Japanese Drone Partnerships II
Chart 13: Overview of Industrial Sectors
Chart 14: The Hurricane of Drone-Technology
Chart 15: Drone Trends and Perspectives: The Next Ten Years
Chart 16: Civil Aviation Bureau Progress in 2012-2019
Chart 17: Industries on the Commercial Drone Market


Graph 1: Global & Japanese Drone Investments 2012-2018
Graph 2: The Global Drone Market 2018-2024
Graph 3: The Global Drone Market 2018-2024: Commercial vs. Private
Graph 4: The Japanese Drone Market 2018-2024: Commercial vs. Private
Graph 5: The Global Commercial Drone Market 2018-2024 by Segment
Graph 6: The Japanese Commercial Drone Market 2018-2024 by Segment
Graph 7: The Global Commercial Drone Market 2018-2024 by Industry
Graph 8: The Japanese Commercial Drone Market 2018-2024 by Industry
Graph 9: The Global Commercial Drone Market 2018-2024 by Method
Graph 10: The Japanese Commercial Drone Market 2018-2024 by Method
Graph 11: The Global Commercial Drone Market 2018-2024 by Unit Sales
Graph 12: The Japanese Commercial Drone Market 2018-2024 by Unit Sales
Graph 13: The Private Global Drone Market 2018-2024 by Segment
Graph 14: The Private Japanese Drone Market 2018-2024 by Segment
Graph 15: The Private Global Drone Market 2018-2024 by Unit Sales
Graph 16: The Private Japanese Drone Market 2018-2024 by Unit Sales



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