The 7 Commercial Drone Predictions for 2017 helps to gain an understanding of the risks and opportunities in the drone industry for the forthcoming year.
The 7 Commercial Drone Predictions for 2017 slide provides an overview about the risks and perspectives in the drone industry for the forthcoming year.
To gain deeper knowledge about the 2017 trends and perspectives read the full report or contact us.
The slide shows estimations of industry experts about drone industry developments in 2017.
Featured experts are:
Steve Hogan, Drone Lawyer at Ausley & McMullen
Michael Singer, CEO of DroneView Technologies
Chris Proudlove, Senior Vice President at Global Aerospace
Kay Wackwitz, CEO & Founder of Drone Industry Insights
Jeri Donaldson, CEO and owner of FlyCam UAV
David Boardman, Founder and CEO of URC Ventures
Chris Korody, Principal at