DRONEII‘s Drone Investment Database provides comprehensive data on drone investments and partnerships from 2010 to 2021 split into various segments and types of investment. This is the most comprehensive database on the market for those who want to understand investments into drone companies over the past decade.
Our drone investment database shows investment trends from the past decade, which include 1,300+ investments around the world and describing all regions and countries involved. These investments are broken down by segment (hardware, software, services) as well as sector (drone company, passenger drone, counter-drone, UTM), deal type (seed, early-stage, post-IPO, M&A, etc), series (A, B, C, D), ownership of company (private, public, or merge deal), and size of deal in dollar amounts. The data also includes the top 20 drone investments of 2021 as well as a listing of top investors including region and number of deals for each.
The drone investment database is also complemented by a partnership database. This database is comprised of 950+ partnership deals since 2015, including partners’ region and country as well as a distribution by segment (hardware, software, services). For a macro-economic perspective, the database also includes an analysis of who partnered with who in terms of segments and industries. That means inter-segment partnerships (hardware-hardware, hardware-software, software-service, etc) as well as cross-industry partnerships between specialized drone company and non-drone companies.
Finally, we also include a Summary Presentation, which organizes and visualizes the information from the database. This comprehensive 20-page report provides the key data on drone investments to help our customers understand the trends and highlights of investing in our industry. Whether you are an investor, venture capitalist, CEO, or merely looking to understand the flow of money in the drone industry, this summary presentation is the perfect complement to our comprehensive database with the latest and most-accurate information on the market.
1.1 Drone Investments Dashboard
– Table/Graph: Yearly Investments in Overall Drone Market 2010-2021
– Table/Graph: Yearly Overall Drone Market Investments by Segment 2010-2021
– Table/Graph: Yearly Overall Drone Market Investments by Category 2010-2021
– Table/Graph: Yearly Overall Drone Market Investments by Region 2010-2021
– Table/Graph: Yearly Number of Mergers and Acquisitions 2010-2021
– Table: Top 20 Individual Venture Capital Investments 2021
– Table: Top 20 Cumulative Venture Capital Investments 2010-2021
– Table/Graph: Investment Volume and Value by Country Share 2021
1.2 List of Investments
1.3 List of 2021 Investors
2.1 Drone Partnerships Dashboard
– Table/Chart: Partnerships According to Overall Drone Market Segment 2015-2021
– Table/Chart: Total Number of Drone Market Partnerships 2015-2021
– Table/Chart: Drone Company Partnership Pairings by Segment 2015-2021
– Table/Chart: Drone Companies Partnership Pairings by Drone vs Non-Drone Industry 2015-2021
2.2 List of Partnerships