Ed Alvarado

State of Drones Report 2023

Insights on the commercial drone market and the state of drones

Inquire about a subscription for the full in-depth analysis

  • Extensive 34-page State of Drones Report with even more in-depth analysis and information
  • Exclusive insights into drone manufacturers, operation methods, flight frequency (including BVLOS) and more.
  • Data on company revenues, international target markets, unit sales, as well as export quotes.


  • Research subscription includes State of Drones Report + immediate access to all other reports

DRONEII‘s State of Drones Report provides even more data and exclusive insights on the drone market, coming directly from drone industry professionals themselves.

The report dives more deeply into which drone manufacturers (brands) are the most commonly-used by drone operators throughout the industry and across the globe. It also splits their market shares for drone service providers and business-internal services as well as mentioning the reasons to adopt drones and which tasks these drones are used for. There is also more data on which brands are generally used for which tasks, what the most common payloads and software are as well as how often flights are carried out.

At a more macro-economic level, the 34-page State of Drones Report also includes data on export quotes for drone companies, and this is broken down by industry sub-segment (hardware vs software) as well as by country. For our subscribers, we have also included information on the most common target markets (countries) for drone companies as well as company revenues by sub-segment and the most-served industries for drone manufacturers.



Total and Venture Capital Drone Company Investment Value

Mergers and Acquisitions of Drone Companies

Drone Stocks


Introductory Facts about the State of the Drone Report

Drone Brands

Drone Operation

Drone Operation Methods

Drone Operation Payloads

Drone Operation by Flight Events

Drone BVLOS Operation

Advanced Drone Operation

Data Analytics Software

Expectations vs. Reality

Drone Company Revenue

Drone Company Revenue of Hardware & Software Companies

Drone Company Revenue of Service Companies

Drone Manufacturer Markets

Biggest Challenge of the Industry


Export Quote of Drone Companies

International Target Markets of Drone Companies

Driving Factors in a Dynamic Market



Figure 1:  Total and Venture Capital 2010 – 2023/HY1

Figure 2:   Number of drone company M&As 2010 – 2023/HY1 and by segment

Figure 3:  Most Represented Countries in Drone Industry Survey

Figure 4:  Survey Respondents by Market Segment

Figure 5:  Company Size of Respondents

Figure 6:  Top 10 Most used Drone Brands 2020/2023

Figure 7:  Top 10 Drone Brands by Operators

Figure 8:  Main Applied Methods

Figure 9:  Reason for Adopting Drones

Figure 10:   Most-used Drone Payloads for Drone Operation

Figure 11:  Drone Flights per Month

Figure 12:  Operated Flights per Month under BVLOS Conditions

Figure 13:  Operated Flight Events under BVLOS conditions of service companies 2021/2023

Figure 14:  Technical Maturity & Standards

Figure 15:  Flight Permission for Advanced Missions

Figure 16:  Time Needed for Flight Permission

Figure 17:  How Hard/Easy was it to Acquire Flight Permission?

Figure 18:  Most-used Data Analytics Software for Drone Operation

Figure 19:   Market Development in the Next 12 Months and Their Reflections on the Past 12 Months

Figure 20:   Market Development in the Last/Next 12 Months by Market Segment

Figure 21:  Revenue Drone Components and System Manufacturer

Figure 22:  Revenue Drone Hardware Manufacturer

Figure 23:  Revenue Drone Software Manufacturer

Figure 24:   Revenue Drone Service Provider

Figure 25:  Revenue Drone Engineering Companies

Figure 26:  Revenue Drone Training and Education Provider

Figure 27:  Industry Vertical Ranking for Drone Manufacturers

Figure 28:  Biggest Challenge for the Industry

Figure 29:  Survey Respondents’ Answers to What They Allocate Their Resources To

Figure 30:  Export Quote: All Drone Companies

Figure 31:  Export Quote per Segment

Figure 32:  Export Quote by Country (Japan, USA, China, Spain, Germany)

Figure 33:  Share of International Target Markets

Figure 34:  Survey Respondents’ Assessment of the Most Important Market-Driving



Table 1:  Top 10 Drone Investments by Value

Table 2:  Recent Drone Company M&As

Table 3:  Passenger Drone Company Stocks

Table 4:  Drone Company Stocks

Table 5:  Drone Operation Methods

Table 6:  Prioritized Industries of Drone Manufacturers

“Do you have questions regarding the State of Drones Report or Research Subscriptions? Please reach out.”

Christine de Vries

Christine de Vries

Customer Relationship Manager

+49 40 6483 0858

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      We deliver clear and actionable information – always proficient, rigorous, and independently researched drone market reports.

      We focus all our attention on the commercial drone market, to help you understand what is really going on now, and in the future.

      Our drone market reports will provide you with unique and world-leading insights to drive your drone innovation and business success.

      Buy now and you will have immediate access to the information you need to make better decisions. Now.


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      FAQ about the State of Drones Report

      What is unique about the State of Drones report?

      Our State of Drones Report is a subscriber exclusive. This means that only those with a research subscription are able to view the full report. It provides unique in-depth insights on the top drone manufacturers (as well as how their use has changed), drone operation methods, drone operation payloads and flight frequency (based on surveys), BVLOS operations, top software, drone company revenues and unit sales, and much more. This unique report provides all of the latest and most relevant information about drones and the state of the global drone industry based on direct intelligence from industry players themselves.


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      Drone Utilization Report
      Drone Service Providers Ranking
      State of Drones Report (Subscriber Exclusive)
      Drone Application Report 2022
      Drones in Energy Industry Report
      BVLOS Operations Report
      Drone Parachute Report
      Counter-Drone Market Report
      Drone Delivery Report
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