Ed Alvarado

Drone Utilization Report

Insights on drone usage and drone flights

  • A global total of 7.6 million drone flight hours will be recorded by the end of 2023.
  • Drone unit sales of commercial prosumers are by far higher than professional drones.
  • Asia is the leader in terms of total flight events and flight hours. However, Oceania leads in terms of the average number of “flights per drone operator”.
  • China is the undisputed leader in drone use for both VLOS and BVLOS operations, followed by the United States.

Buy the full drone utilization report with key data on flights and brands

  • 79-page drone utilization report with data on how commercial drones are used today
  • Market forecast for commercial drone unit sales and drones in operation
  • Data on flight hours, number of flights (broken down into VLOS and BVLOS), and top countries analyzed
  • Analysis of how drones are used in 17 drone industry verticals, including forecast data for each sub-vertical
  • Dedicated chapter on drone application methods, including top industries per application and top brands used

The “Drone Utilization Report” by DRONEII offers an insightful and comprehensive analysis of the current and future uses of commercial drones across 17 industry verticals. Spanning 79 pages, this report delves into the varied applications of drones, painting a detailed picture of their growing influence in the commercial sector. The report meticulously covers the dynamics of commercial drone unit sales and drones currently operating, offering a forward-looking market forecast. This forecast is intricately linked to the evolving trends and adoption rates across diverse industries, reflecting the expanding footprint of drones in the global market.

A standout feature of the Drone Utilization Report is its detailed breakdown of flight hours and the number of flights, categorized under Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) and Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations. This segmentation provides a nuanced understanding of operational practices and emerging trends in drone technology. Additionally, the report profiles top countries where drone usage is most prominent, offering a geographical perspective on drone adoption.

Each of the 17 industry verticals analyzed in the report, including Agriculture, Construction, and Health Care, is accompanied by forecast data, presenting a well-rounded view of current and potential drone applications. This analysis not only highlights existing uses but also projects future growth areas within each sector. Furthermore, the report includes a dedicated chapter on drone application methods. This section explores the predominant industries for each application and the leading drone brands in the market. It serves as a practical guide for businesses and individuals looking to understand the operational nuances of drones and to identify key market players.

In essence, the Drone Utilization Report is a valuable resource for stakeholders seeking a comprehensive understanding of the commercial drone landscape, offering in-depth data, projections, and analyses across various aspects of drone utilization.




1.1 Research Methodology
1.2 Scope Definition & Research Design
1.3 Data Collection
1.4 Data Analysis
1.5 Market Model
1.6 Data Validation
1.7 Report Creation


2.1 Drones: What are drones and what can they do?
2.2 Drone configurations/designs
2.3 Major segments of the drone ecosystem
2.4 Drone application categories and methods
2.5 Drone industry verticals and use cases
2.6 Drone market observations


3.1 Commercial Drone Market By Unit Sales
3.1.1 Commercial Drone Unit Sales 2023-2030
3.2 Commercial Drones In the Air
3.2.1 Commercial Drone In the Air By Region 2023-2030
3.3 Commercial Drone Utilization 2023
3.3.1 Commercial Drone Flights By Region & Country 2023
3.3.2 Commercial Drone Flight Hours By Region 2023
3.3.3 Commercial Drone Flight Hours By Country 2023
3.4 Advanced Commercial Drone Operation


4 Definitions & Introduction
4.1 Agriculture Application & Market Size
4.2 Arts, Entertainment & Recreation Application & Market Size
4.3 Construction Application & Market Size
4.4 Cargo, Courier Services, Intralogistics & Warehousing Application & Market Size
4.5 Educational, Scientific & Technical Services Application & Market Size
4.6 Energy Application & Market Size
4.7 Health Care and Disaster Relief Application & Market Size
4.8 Information & Motion Picture Application & Market Size
4.9 Insurance Application & Market Size
4.10 Mining and Quarrying Application & Market Size
4.11 Public Administration Application & Market Size
4.12 Public Emergency Services Application & Market Size


5 Definitions & Introduction
5.1 Methods Used by Industry Verticals
5.2 Delivery, Drone Brands & Market Size
5.3 Inspection, Drone Brands & Market Size
5.4 Localization & Tracking, Drone Brands & Market Size
5.5 Mapping & Surveying, Drone Brands & Market Size
5.6 Photography & Filming, Drone Brands & Market Size
5.7 Spraying & Dispensing, , Drone Brands & Market Size
5.8 Other Methods & Market Size
5.9 Summary Commercial Drone Market Size 2023-2030 by Method


Chart 1: Drone technology stack
Chart 2: Drone configurations/designs
Chart 3: Drone hardware
Chart 4: Drone software
Chart 5: Drone services
Chart 6: Commercial drone market segmentation
Chart 7: Drone application methods


Table 1: Commercial drone use cases across industries
Table 2: Industry definition based on NAICS
Table 3: Commercial drone market size 2023-2030 by industry and sub-industry according to market size and CAGR – I
Table 4: Commercial drone market size 2023-2030 by industry and sub-industry according to market size and CAGR – II
Table 5: Drone operation methods across industries
Table 5: List of other/new drone-based methods


Graph 1: Global commercial drone sales 20223-2030
Graph 2: Global commercial drone in the air 2023-2030
Graph 3: Global commercial drone in the air by region 2023-2030
Graph 4: Average Number of flights per drone employee by region 2023
Graph 5: Total number of commercial drone flights 2023 by region
Graph 6: Total number of commercial drone flights 2023 by country
Graph 7: Total VLOS and BVLOS flight hours 2023 by region
Graph 8: VLOS flight hours 2023 by region
Graph 9: BVLOS flight hours 2023 by region
Graph 10: VLOS and BVLOS flight hours 2023 by country
Graph 11: VLOS flight hours 2023 by country
Graph 12: BVLOS flight hours 2023 by country
Graph 13: Flights in controlled airspace
Graph 14: How easy/hard is it to access controlled airspace?
Graph 15: How difficult/easy was it to access controlled airspace by country?
Graph 16: Time needed for operational authorizations
Graph 17: Time needed for operational authorizations by country
Graph 18: How easy/difficult was it to acquire an operational authorization?
Graph 19: How easy/difficult was it to acquire an operational authorization by country
Graph 20: Commercial & recreational drone market size 2023-2030
Graph 21: Commercial drone market size 2023-2030 in Agriculture by sub-industry
Graph 22: Commercial drone Market size market size 2023-2030 in Art & Entertainment
Graph 23: Commercial drone Market size market size 2023-2030 Construction by sub-industry
Graph 24: Commercial drone Market size market size 2023-2030 Courier, Service and Warehousing by sub-industry
Graph 25: Commercial market size 2023-2030 Educational, Scientific, and Technical Services
Graph 26: Commercial drone market size 2023-2030 in Energy by sub-industry
Graph 27: Commercial market size 2023-2030 in Health Care and Disaster Relief
Graph 28: Commercial drone market size 2023-2030 Information and Motion Picture by sub-industry
Graph 29: Commercial drone market size 2023-2030 in Insurance
Graph 30: Commercial drone market size 2023-2030 in Mining & Quarrying
Graph 31: Commercial drone market size 2023-2030 in Public Administration by sub-industry
Graph 32: Commercial drone market size 2023-2030 in Public Emergency
Graph 33: Commercial drone market size 2023-2030 in Real Estate and Industrial Plants by sub-industry
Graph 34: Commercial drone market size 2023-2030 in Safety & Security
Graph 35: Commercial drone market size 2023-2030 in Telecommunications
Graph 36: Commercial drone market size 2023-2030 in Transportation Infrastructure by sub-industry
Graph 37: Commercial drone market size 2023-2030 in Waste Management and Remediation Services
Graph 38: Commercial & recreational drone market size 2023-2030
Graph 39: Methods used most in the drone industry today
Graph 40: Market shares of leading drone brands 2023 in the method Delivery
Graph 41: Commercial Drone Market Size in Delivery 2023-2030
Graph 42: Market shares of leading drone brands 2023 in the method Inspection
Graph 43: Commercial Drone Market Size in Inspection 2023-2030
Graph 44: Market shares of leading drone brands 2023 in the method Localization & Tracking
Graph 45: Commercial Drone Market Size in Localization & Tracking 2023-2030
Graph 46: Market shares of leading drone brands 2023 in the method Mapping & Surveying
Graph 47: Commercial Drone Market Size in Mapping & Surveying 2023-2030
Graph 48: Market shares of leading drone brands 2023 in the method Photography & Filming
Graph 49: Commercial Drone Market Size in Photography & Filming 2023-2030
Graph 50: Market shares of leading drone brands 2023 in the method Spraying & Dispensing
Graph 51: Commercial Drone Market Size in Spraying & Dispensing 2023-2030
Graph 52: Commercial drone market size 2023-2030 by method

“Do you have questions regarding the Drone Utilization Report content, pricing, methodology, or startup discount? Please reach out.”

Christine de Vries

Christine de Vries

Customer Relationship Manager

+49 40 6483 0858

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      We deliver clear and actionable information – always proficient, rigorous, and independently researched.

      We focus all our attention on the commercial drone market, to help you understand what is really going on now, and in the future.

      Our reports will provide you with unique and world-leading insights to drive your drone innovation and business success.

      Buy now and you will have immediate access to the information you need to make better decisions. Now.


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      FAQs about Drone Utilization Report

      How does the Drone Utilization Report differ from other reports?

      The Drone Utilization Report is the only report that provides specific data and forecasts on the number of commercial drone units sold, estimation and forecast of “drones in the air” (operational units in the market), number of drone flights, total flight hours, and sub-vertical forecasts for drone use in all 17 industry verticals.

      In other words: it is the only report that provides an in-depth look at the use of commercial drones from 2023-2030.

      What is a prosumer drone?

      Commercial prosumer drones are drones that cost less than US$10,000.

      What is a professional drone?

      Commercial professional drones are drones that cost more than US$10,000.

      How do you calculate the number of drones in the air?

      The number of commercial prosumer and professional drones in the air is calculated based on two main factors: the unit sales of drones and the percentage of drones that are (still) in service each year.

      Who is the Drone Utilization Report intended for?

      This Drone Utilization Report is an ideal resource for anyone trying to understand how drones are actually being used in terms of flights, flight hours, VLOS, BVLOS and how many drones are and will be operating on the commercial market until 2030.


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      Drone Utilization Report
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      Drones in Energy Industry Report
      BVLOS Operations Report
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      Counter-Drone Market Report
      Drone Delivery Report

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