This DRONEII Country-Specific Drone Market Reports provide the most comprehensive outline, analysis and forecast of a specific drone market. These reports are based on months of research and analysis by our team and the DRONEII market model which was built based on years of experience in the commercial drone industry and an intimate understanding of the drone market.
The DRONEII Market Model is a unique bottom-up approach to measuring the commercial drone market using actual data and primary sources. As a result of this complex model, the figures and topics covered in the Country-Specific Drone Market Reports are both comprehensive and reliable. They are a product of both qualitative and quantitative research and analysis, and a look beyond the hype that drones have experienced in the past few years.
Each Country-Specific Drone Market Report that you order contains a five-year forecast of that country’s drone market figures for 2020-2025, broken down by segment, industry and application method, as well as drone market unit sales. Each report also contains an outline and analysis of current commercial drone regulations frameworks in the given country and challenges within those.
Finally, all of our reports also outline the future trends and opportunities to look out for on the drone market, namely the mega, macro and microtrends that will most affect the commercial drone industry in the coming years.
Research Methodology
Scope Definition & Research Design
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Market Model
Data Validation
Report Creation
1.1 Drones: Where Did They Come From?
1.2 The Major Segments of the Drone Ecosystem
1.3 Drone Application Methods
1.4 Drone Market Industries and Use Cases
1.5 Market Dynamics
1.6 [Country] Market Players
2 US DRONE MARKET 2020-2025
2.1 Commercial & Private Drone Market
2.1.1 Global Drone Market Size 2020-2025
2.1.2 Global Drone Market: Commercial vs. Private 2020-2025
2.1.3 [Country] Drone Market Size 2020-2025
2.1.4 [Country] Drone Market: Commercial vs. Private 2020-2025
2.2 Commercial Drone Market by Segment
2.2.1 Global Market Size 2020-2025
2.2.2 [Country] Market Size 2020-2025
2.3 Commercial Drone Market by Industry
2.3.1 Global Market Size 2020-2025
2.3.2 [Country] Market Size 2020-2025
2.4 Commercial Drone Market by Method
2.4.1 Global Market Size 2020-2025
2.4.2 [Country] Market Size 2020-2025
2.5 Commercial Drone Market by Unit Sales
2.5.1 Global Market Size 2020-2025
2.5.2 [Country] Market Size 2020-2025
2.6 Private Drone Market by Segment
2.6.1 Global Market Size 2020-2025
2.6.2 [Country] Market Size 2020-2025
2.7 Private Drone Market by Unit Sales
2.7.1 Global Market Size 2020-2025
2.7.2 [Country] Market Size 2020-2025
3.1 How are Drones Regulated?
3.2 General Drone Rulemaking – Stakeholders
3.3 General Drone Rulemaking – Workflow
3.4 Regulatory Deep Dive – [Country] Regulations Overview
3.5 Key Drone Regulation Challenges
4.1 Introduction to Trends
4.2 5G Technology
4.3 Automated Base Stations (Drone-In-A-Box Solutions)
4.4 Blockchain
4.5 Computer Vision
4.6 Fog Computing
4.7 IoT – The Internet of Things
Appendix: Industry Definitions