Ed Alvarado

Drone Manufacturers Ranking 2021 | Report

Get insights on the commercial drone market 

  • Rankings split into: civil drone manufacturers and dual-use drone manufacturers (commercial + military)
  • DJI continues to dominate civil drones; AeroVironment, Insitu, and Aeronautics take top spots for dual-use drones
  • China leads with 11 companies in the top 40 ranking of commercial drone hardware manufacturers
  • Vast number of companies in the Top 40 are niche suppliers and manufacture multirotor drones in the prosumer sector


Buy the full drone manufacturers ranking report to receive

  • Full 55-page report, assessing of 500+ global drone manufacturing companies
  • Top 40 ranking for civil drone companies, plus Top 10 rank for each global region and Top 20 for dual-use drone companies
  • Company Profiles for: Top 10 overall civilian drone manufacturers and Top 10 dual-use drone manufacturers
  • EXCLUSIVE: Database of 500+ manufacturers including product type, website, location, founding year, and contact information

You can also download a sample of the ranking report for free.


This DRONEII report provides the most comprehensive outline and analysis of the drone market. The top Drone Manufacturers Ranking 2021 is based on months of monitoring, research and analysis by our team. Moreover, the DRONEII ranking model was built based on years of experience in the commercial drone industry and an intimate understanding of the drone market. This model is based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) but especially-tailored to fit the drone industry in order to provide the best understanding of it.

DRONEII’s Top Drone Manufacturers Ranking Model is based on a unique approach which (among other parameters) takes into account market shares, market activity and public attention to competitively compare drone service providers. As a result of this model, the rankings in this report are both comprehensive and reliable. They are a product of both qualitative and quantitative research and analysis, and a look beyond the hype that drones have experienced over the years. As the drone industry has evolved, so has our market model.

The 55-page report contains the two Drone Manufacturer Rankings: Top 40 ranking for civil drones and Top 20 ranking for dual-use drone (commercial + military) manufacturers in the world. The rankings are summed up and analyzed, followed by company profiles of the Top 10 civil drone manufacturers as well as a top 10 ranking for each global region and top 10 ranking for dual-use drone manufacturers. The company profiles outline company partnerships, products and activities. Finally, this report also includes a .xlsx file with company information 510 global companies. This file includes the raw data that is combined with our market model in order to derive the rankings.




Research Methodology

Scope Definition & Research Design

Report Creation


1.1 Drones: What Are They and What Can They Do?

1.2 Drone Configurations

1.3 Major Segments of the Drone Ecosystem

1.4 Drone Application Categories and Methods

1.5 Drone Industry Verticals and Use Case

1.6 Drone Market Observations



2.1 Civil Drone Manufacturers

2.1.1 Top 40 Ranking

2.1.2 Top 10 Company Profiles

2.2 Civil Drone Manufacturers per Region

2.2.1 Top 10 Ranking in Asia

2.2.2 Top 10 Ranking in Europe

2.2.3 Top 10 Ranking in MEA

2.2.4 Top 10 Ranking in North America

2.2.5 Top 10 Ranking in Oceania

2.2.6 Top 10 Ranking in South America

2.3 Dual-use Drone Manufacturers

2.3.1 Top 20 Ranking

2.3.2 Top 10 Company Profiles

Appendix: Industry Definitions 


Chart 1: Drone technology stack

Chart 2: Drone configurations/designs

Chart 3: Drone hardware

Chart 4: Drone software

Chart 5: Drone services

Chart 6: Commercial drone market segmentation

Chart 7: Drone application methods

Chart 8: Assessment Process of civilian platform manufacturers

Chart 9: Product placement of Top40 civil platform manufacturers

Chart 10: Assessment Process of civil platform manufacturers per region

Chart 11: Assessment Process of dual-use platform manufacturers



Table 1: Commercial drone use cases across industries

Table 2: Top 1-20 commercial drone manufacturers

Table 3: Top 21-40 commercial drone manufacturers

Table 4: Top 10 commercial manufacturers in Asia

Table 5: Top 10 commercial manufacturers in Europe

Table 6: Top 10 commercial manufacturers in MEA

Table 7: Top 10 commercial manufacturers in North America

Table 8: Top 10 commercial manufacturers in Oceania

Table 9: Top 10 commercial manufacturers in South America

Table 10: Top 20 dual-use drone manufacturers

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes the top Drone Manufacturers Ranking different from other reports?

Unlike other reports, our top Drone Manufacturers Ranking provides a brief and straightforward ranking of the top manufacturers in two categories: civil drones and dual-use drones. There is less macroeconomic data and statistics and more focus on particular companies and their products. In addition, the report dives into company profiles with estimated employees, revenue, funding and a brief descriptions as well as the main industries that they operate in.

What are Civil Drone Manufacturers?

Manufacturers of civil drones either produce drones for commercial purposes (e.g. drones used in the energy, construction, agriculture or transport industry) and/or for private individuals for hobby flights.

What are Dual-Use Drone Manufacturers?

Dual-use drone manufacturers manufacture drones for commercial and military markets. Manufacturers of purely military drones are not included in this category.

Why do you differentiate the rankings between the two?

In the simplest of terms: the influence of government investments. It is important to draw a distinction between civil drones and dual-use drones for the purpose of a manufacturer ranking because companies that build drones under government contracts are able to receive more funding and produce more units. The attention they receive because of this (which forms part of the ranking) would also affect their ranking if they were to be put into the same category as companies who do not receive military government contracts.

“Do you have questions regarding the Drone Manufacturers Ranking 2021 content, pricing, methodology, or startup discount? Please reach out.”

Christine de Vries

Christine de Vries

Customer Relationship Manager

+49 40 6483 0858

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      To see what you can expect from the top Drone Manufacturers Ranking 2021 feel free to download a sample. If you have specific questions, please reach out: sales@droneii.com


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